Sunday, April 01, 2007

I'm lazy so check this out

Hi all!

Team Running Free has a new website so most of my future postings will be there.
Since most of those postings will be Race Reports, Gear Reviews and Training Articles, I will still post other interesting things here from time to time so this isn't going away. In fact, I will try and check in here at least once a week.

I've got my most recent Race Report posted there (Around the Bay), and some other stuff.
Check it out at:

My fellow teammates have also posted some great items so check them out too.

Have a great week.




Hello, it's Larry Bradley from Team Running Free. I was just doing some web watching and noticed you particiapte in a good number of the HSBC duathlons. I hoope to compete in a mojority of them this year but was just wondering if you had a comparison between this series and the Subaru series. I comleted a few on that series last year so am not sure if it is similar or should I expect some major differences, ie tougher courses, more competitors, etc.

Thank you,

Roger Hospedales said...

I love the HSBC series and the job that John Salt and his crew does. Very customer service oriented. I wouldn't mind doing the other races out there to see how things are but I have no reason to right now. The races I would like to do (Muskoka for example) conflict with the HSBC schedule. If you are looking for a tough bike course do Cobourg. You should try them both and see what works for you. Maybe you can kick butt in both series and place well in both.
Good luck this season.