Friday, May 15, 2009

An update on the last 11 days

Since I last posted here is what went down:

Sore throat led to a cough, ploughed through it - treating cough drops like a new food group, cough got worse, sick day from work, saw my doc, diagnosed with bronchitis, ran mississauga 1/2 marathon as the 2:30 pace bunny.

Got really cold at the end of the race, got the chills, got a fever for 10 hrs, shook the fever but still a bad cough, barely survived work as the fever came back halfway through the day, home to rest - but not too much rest since I was finishing a website I created for a course I am taking, back to work and feeling crap -- hardly a voice but I had to be there for an important interview, the interview must have went great because they awarded me the promotion, back home to sleep as much as I could, took a sick day and slept all day, finished the website later that night, have not worked out for 3 days at this point.

Back to work and still coughing but not as bad, went for a swim workout that night (70 min - 2700m--problems breathing due to congestion and felt sluggish), woke up with sore shoulders, still coughing and sucking on cough drops to control it at work, took the last of my antibiotics, ran for 12 minutes (2km), dinner with family to celebrate b-day of my sis, then came home to write this.

I found this today, I thought it was pretty cool. I you are a fan of LL Cool J or Eminem you will like it. Til next time. RH

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