Whoo hoo! I was secretly aiming for a 12:45 at Ironman Canada and got 12:42.
Everything felt awesome all day largely due to the fact I raced in my Zone 2 the entire time (my average heart rate for the day was 149 beats per minute).
Maybe I took it too easy but you never know. I'll gladly take my 12:42 knowing that I am capable of going lots faster. I just have to tap into that short course bike speed and bring it over to Ironman racing and so some run focus months (achilles permitting) to bring my marathon time down.
I will have a full scale report coming (talking about restaurants to visit in Penticton, etc.), but here is a shorter race day version.
Race Report
By Roger Hospedales, Team Running Free
Race: Ironman Canada
Date: Sunday August 26, 2007.
Location: Penticton, British Columbia
Description: 3.8 km Swim, 180 km Bike, 42.2 km Run
Sport: Triathlon
Website: www.ironman.ca
Race day
Woke up at 3:15 am and had 2 bottles of Vanilla Boost and 1 Powerbar (Milk Chocolate Brownie), and went back to bed.
Got up again for the final time at 5:15 am, got ready for the day, had another bottle of Boost and sipped on my Infinit Ironman race formula up until race start.
Got to transition at 6:05 am. Got bodymarked, put nutrition in run transition bag, and did some final prep on my bike. I waited until the 5 minutes to go to make my final Porta-potty stop, I was the last one to cross the timing mats and made my way to the water. Someone zipped me up at the waters edge and a minute later the cannon went off the start the race.
Goal: Be patient, do the race at the top end of Zone 2 (150 bpm), and see what happens.
I started at the back and due to the water being so shallow it took about 2 minutes of wading before I could actually start swimming.
Since this was my 4th swim of the year, I was not out to set any speed records, just getting through it healthy was the prime objective. Other than the multitude of swimmers zigzagging all over the course it was fairly enjoyable swim. Not the smash-em up derby like Lake Placid. I came out of the water in 1:27:30. Average HR: 152 – Ended up being my hardest effort all day.
5:53. I changed outside the tent to make sure I didn’t sit down. I made sure to secure my own transition bag so I lost some time there.
The plan was to ride steady and controlled the whole way. If I felt like I was racing I would back off. I made sure to get in all my Infinit so I would not bonk later. I had a few bouts of GI problems but nothing major. Popping salt tablets seemed to settle things down. I took a brief pee break at the bottom of the Richter Pass climb, and saw that I needed to take in more fluids.
The wind picked up big time with about 60 km to go. I haven’t ridden in winds like that since the National Duathlon Championships in 2006. It forced me to be very careful on that huge downhill section back into town. I completed the bike in 6:21:10 with an Avg. HR of 145 bpm.
6:50. Went inside the tent, changed into run shorts, got on my Adidas Formotion Control shoes, my fanny pack, put Vaseline on some vital areas, made a Porta-potty stop, and headed out on the run with my pal John Clark.
John and I ran together for about 5 miles and then he let me go on my way after an aid station. Unlike last year, I behaved myself and kept my HR between 145 and 150 bpm.
I really wanted to get revenge on the hills late in the course and maintain my pace throughout. I sipped Infinit and water for the first 13 miles but I was soon getting sick of it and wanted something else. I started snacking on Sport Beans and wanted more, unfortunately I only had one package. I finished the first half of the marathon in 2:22:37. Not exactly what I wanted but patience is key on this run course.
I knew at that point that breaking 13 hours would happen if I could maintain my current pace. However, I wanted a 12:45 so I picked up the pace slightly. I started drinking cola, chicken soup and water at each aid station and got a boost of energy. I was able to maintain approx. 10:30 per mile pace (including aid station walks) and started pushing the pace a bit more when I got back onto Main Street. With 2 km to go I just gave it all I had, finished that last 2km in 10 minutes, scared the people I passed with my horse snorting, and crossed the finish line in 12:42:14. My personal best time and 31 minutes faster than Lake Placid five weeks ago.
I had actually negative split the marathon! Running the last half in 2:18:14. Out of everything I am most surprised and proud of that. My Avg. HR for the run was 148 bpm.
My Avg. HR for the entire day was 149 bpm, and I burned off 11 492 calories. I’ve never felt so fresh after an Ironman race.
The stats:
Swim – 1:27:30
T1 – 5:53
Bike – 6:21:10
T2 – 6:50
Run – 4:40:51 (2:22:37/2:18:14)
Total – 12:42:14
Other stuff:
After 13 Ironmans I think that I may have figured out how to race this thing. I’ve never felt so fresh during and after an Ironman race. Yes, I had lots left but who knows what would have happened if I took the risk and pushed too hard. I’ll save the risk taking for short course racing.
No more banning of alcohol before the race. With all the great wineries in the area I was unable to resist every day and I had my best race.
Rick Choy: Way to finish another one. 4 down 3 to go, and I thought I was crazy for doing 3 Ironmans last year.
Angus Kim: Congrats on another Ironman finish. This time as a married man.
Thanks to the A & R Ironman Crew (Lana & Michelle) for all your support and cheering all day. We couldn’t do it without you guys. Marie – tough luck but you will achieve your goal one day.
Thanks to Ian at
www.imfit.ca for his guidance for the past few months in making sure I improved my aerobic engine on both the bike and run, for the FIST bike fitting (I’ve never been as comfortable on my bike), and his fitness testing services (which accurately determined all of my HR training/racing zones). All of these were key to all of the improvements I made this season. Don't mess around with your bike fit and go to see him. Also if you are serious about your training, you need to get a fitness test done.
If you plan on doing this race here are a few tips:
Pick up you race kit on Friday (crazy long line-ups on Thursday but none on Friday).
Don’t waste your money buying Banquet tickets for your family. It is a huge rip-off and the food is absolutely horrid. Monday’s dinner saw the return of the McRib – not a good thing.
There really is no reason to show up to either banquet (unless it is the second one where they give out the DVD – even then you can show up late). Very boring, bad food and huge line-ups to get in (people start lining up over and hour before). If you show up an hour late you can walk right in though.
Up next:
Wasaga Beach Sprint Duathlon, Base Borden Duathlon, Pace bunny at Waterfront ½ Marathon.