Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Doc Stoddard, New Tat & Physio

I am extremely dubious about the pain I'm feeling in my right foot (bearing all of my weight for 5 weeks now, and the Achilles and top of foot hurt before the whole left Achilles rupture deal) so I decided to be proactive and get help before a repeat of the left side happens.

So yesterday, I paid a visit to Dr. Stoddard (sports medicine expert at Toronto SEMI, and the creator of eLoad). We have worked together in the past (Transitions Magazine) so it was nice to see him again an catch up on things, chat about sports nutrition, his new Fly product, etc. He confirmed that there was inflammation on that side, and set me up to see a podiatrist to discover why I'm getting all these problems in the first place. I've been avoiding these for about 10 years now and it looks like orthothics might be the remedy. I won't know anything until my cast comes off and they can check both feet out. I'll see a physio tomorrow.

Ever since the surgery, my appetite has dropped. I basically only eat once a day. Thank goodness for that otherwise I'd be over 200 lbs now for sure. I had not eaten since the afternoon before so I was a bit hungry after the appointment. Thanks to the Taco Bell commercials I hit a drive thru and got the 5 tacos and a drink deal. Man was it good..... and bad all at the same time.

After killing some time doing some writing, I headed off to get my latest tattoo at Way Cool Tattoos (thanks for Jen for a quick and easy experience). Things you do when you are bored eh? I cant post pics of the new addition since it is under bandages right now but I'll scan and post the artwork ASAP. I also updated the Ironman completion dates on my left arm. This will probably be my last tat for quite some time. No more space on my right side anyway, and I don't feel inspired or the need to add anything else. Although every time a family member (Mom) says they hate my tats, I want to get some more.

It looks like this except the mouth part.

Today, I had my first physio session at Toronto SEMI, and it was one of the most professional encounters I've had with a physio. All comments were documented on computer as I gave them. and a very thorough evaluation and testing protocol. I got some exercises to do and received treatment on my Achilles and top of foot (bottom end of my it band) and was off.

Got home, ate, and as I am writing this, I watching the wicked Individual Time Trial from today's Tour de France. I so want to get out there and blast away on my Saber.

Thanks for reading.


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