Monday, September 08, 2008

I swam last night and I liked it

That Katy Perry song was in my head so why not alter it a bit and make it the title of this post.

After 12 years I made my return to the Markham Masters swim club.

This had nothing to do with the club because it remains great (probably better now) it is just that my goal back then was to get competent enough to swim in an Ironman.

I was able to do so and as many of you know, I only swam 2-3 times per year. Thursday and/or Friday before the race for 10-20 minutes, and then on race day. Extra swim practice did not make me much faster, plus my constantly dislocating right shoulder made a lot of swimming not possible. The amount of time I would need to put into swimming to improve just a few minutes would be better spent biking for running where I could chop some major time.

However, last night felt great and this fall/winter/spring might bring about some swim improvements that I might try to maintain for years to come. I am only swimming one night per week so I am not expecting miracles. I am actually thinking about boosting my membership to swim 3 times per week because it was so enjoyable (I never thought I'd be saying that). A lot of that has to do with me not being able to run until January (hopefully) so I had to find something else to do other than biking right now.

All you non-swimmers who want to get into triathlons need to join a Masters Swim Club in your area. It really is the only way to get your swimming up to par. Unless you have some serious dough to hire a private coach and find pool time.

Til next time.
Thanks for reading.

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