Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Let me begin by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!!!

Life has been hectic lately so sorry for the infrequent posts. I would get the urge to post and then something would come up.

Here are a few quickie items I wanted to mention (if you didn't know already). You can always google some of these items yourself to get more details.

- Lance Armstrong is having a baby with his new girlfriend.

- Chrissie Wellington has switched coaches again (now its Simon Lessing).

- I strongly recommend Sugoi R & R Compression Knee High socks (from Running Free). I will post a compression sock article/review soon.

- Fallout 3 is an awesome game for the PS3 or XBOX 360.

- Get an HD box so you can enjoy HD Channels. Discovery Channel in HD is incredible.

- You must see Discovery Channels Miracle Bodies: Michael Phelps. They show and explain why he is so fast in the water and superior to everyone else. Quite wicked! Especially in HD.

- TMN (The Movie Network) on Demand kicks butt. My trainer rides are so much easier because of this service. Lots of great TV series and movies.

- Lets go Raptors! You better pick it up in 2009. Leafs???

That's all for now.
Merry Christmas and enjoy all that Boxing Day shopping.


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