Tuesday, January 06, 2009

WTC buys out NA Sports

What does this mean for us racers? Hopefully, not a thing as far race prices or race quality is concerned.

Graham Fraser puts on the best races period! So it will be interesting to see what happens to these U.S. races. Apparently, the deal is that the NA Sports staff will remain intact to do their jobs. Only time will tell and I will find out first hand at Ironman Lake Placid this summer.

The interesting thing is that Ironman Canada remains under Fraser's control. Will it be stripped of official "Ironman" status in the future? Will it matter? Or will it become like Roth which still remains a juggernaut despite losing that official status and Kona slots. Are those who are really serious about Kona going to IMCAN to qualify anyway? That race is unique and has a cult-like following so I think it keep chugging along and I'm glad to have done it twice. I really love that course. Maybe I'll go back one day. When I win the Super 7 or 6/49?

Will Fraser try to get another "Ironman" race going in Canada? Again, it is all speculation but all pretty cool as well. I see it as a win-win for all of us. If there are more races there will be more competition and maybe some reduction in race fees. And maybe we can will see more of those races happening in Canada. Time will tell. Graham, since you a few extra bucks in your pocket, can you adopt me? You can reach me at hosspro@hotmail.com

Click on the link to see the official announcement.


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