What it Takes
I saw this film last week and it is outstanding. It is a must see for all fans of Multisport. There is lots of great insight into the lives of Peter Reid, Lori Bowden, Heather Fuhr, and Luke Bell. I have written a review for the next issue of Triathlon Magazine Canada so you can check out more details there. To order your own copy visit http://www.witmovie.com/ you will not be disappointed.

Peter Reid
Speaking of Peter Reid, a few months ago after Ironman Canada, I mentioned that I thought he would be an excellent coach - “Just listening to him give his tips makes me believe that he would be an incredible coach. We will see if that is where his future lies.” Well Peter has now officially entered the coaching arena. He is taking applications right now and I can only imagine how much it will cost. It may be well worth it though. Check out the details here http://www.peterreid.com/coaching.htm
Thanks to the folks at Running Free, I have been given the opportunity to test out the CW-X Insulator Expert Tights. Other than making me feel a bit like Spiderman, they perform quite differently than any other tights out there. The funky Conditioning Web patterns not only look unique but they perform the function of holding/supporting the muscles and ligaments together to stabilize areas such as the knee joint. Particularly useful to me is the extra support I get in the hamstrings and regions behind the knee (I snapped my hammy playing football just before my first Ironman in 1999 --- it still clicks today when I straighten it). Due to the web patterns, running in the tights actually feels assisted because you definitely feel the extra support, especially at the knee joint. The Auto Sensor material in the Insulator version of the tights does a great job in maintaining warmth and dryness. I have not felt the need to double layer. I like the science and philosophy behind this product and I will now check out some of CW-X’s tops and shorts. I only hope that they are coming out with a bike short. Check out their cool stiff at http://cw-x.com/ss/introduction

This is not really sports related but since we all likely listen to music while we are training I think it is appropriate. After watching the American Music Awards a few nights ago I must say that today’s music industry absolutely putrid! I can’t believe the crud they are trying to pass off as music. Case in point, the Pussycat Dolls. I didn’t know lap-dancing skills qualified you to be singers. I did enjoy the performances of Beyonce and Nelly Furtado though. They actually have talent, can sing, and they look classy and beautiful. However, for some real music with some thoughtful lyrics, there are 2 excellent CDs out there right now. Tom Cochrane – No Stranger, and The Tragically Hip – World Container.

That’s enough from me. Enjoy your early winter training.
PS: Happy Birthday Doreen! By the way you are not the "DL". I know this because I see the real "DL" every morning.

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