Monday, May 19, 2008

OAT's Letter to Triathlon Canada

I saw this on the OAT Website a few days ago.
Good to see the provincial organization sticking up for its members.
Right now it costs a fortune to go to World's.
It sure makes those Ironman North America races seem like a bargain. As a loyal Ironman Lake Placid customer, I dare say it is worth every penny.
I am interested if those going to World's this year (or in year's past) feel the same.

This Letter was sent to the President of Triathlon Canada on behalf of our members

May 13, 2008

Stephen Holmes
Triathlon Canada

Re: 2008 World Championship Teams

Dear Stephen:

Our office is being inundated with complaints from our members and as their advocate the Board of Directors of the Ontario Association of Triathletes feels compelled to speak on their behalf.

While athletes understood there would be costs, the addition of unexpected fees has made being a member of these teams a financial hardship for many of our members.

The cost for anyone who qualified has now reached $675 ie:
· team fee $125
· race entry fee $300 (which is outrageous for an Olympic or sprint event)
· mandatory uniform package $250 (many believe this should be elective)
· and this doesn’t include the cost of attending a qualifier, purchasing the required competition suit , airfare and hotel

For those who petitioned to be added to the team it’s over $800.

Many of our members are upset with Triathlon Canada’s apparent use of the 2008 World Championships as a “cash grab”. Triathlon Canada’s failure to disclose all costs in advance and refusal to refund fees paid by those who can longer afford to go adds additional support to this opinion. Athletes do not see the value for their money: the management of Team Canada at worlds is routinely disorganized; team events seem to be last minute arrangements and poorly done; uniforms are poor quality in spite of assurances to the contrary and often do not fit; and accommodation arrangements for the team - particularly in our own country - are non-existent
OAT members currently make up over 38% of the National Triathlon Age Group Triathlon Team. This percentage is even higher for some of the other National Teams. Most of them are unhappy with Triathlon Canada’s apparent insensitivity and lack of respect for them as individuals and athletes.

As the National Governing Body, responsible for supporting the provinces and encouraging the development of our sport in Canada, this approach must change. An aloof attitude, insensitive to the concerns of all individual age group members, will do nothing for the development of triathlon. In fact, this may well lead to a reduction in the number of OAT (and other PGB) members joining National Teams. In a province where Ironman and half-Ironman (70.3) is the major competition, Triathlon Canada and ITU are losing the battle.

I would encourage you and the Triathlon Canada to take a serious look at the policies governing the national teams. The focus must be on the athletes not on maximizing revenue. At the very least we ask that Triathlon Canada refund the team fee for people who found they could no longer able to participate once all the “undisclosed fees” were made public.

I look forward to your actions in this issue. I would be pleased to contribute to the review of team policies I expect you to conduct this winter.

Originally signed by
Andrew ArmstrongPresident,Ontario Association of Triathletes.

cc. OAT Board, PGB Presidents, Triathlon Canada PGB Representative, Triathlon Canada Regional Representative, OAT Members

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