Anyway, here's a brief report on my day.
Canadian Iron 226 - Ottawa (Sept. 4, 2010)
Swim - great for me 1:18:46. My right shoulder was messed up, and slowly made it's way back into its socket throughout the bike ride.
T1 - 8:00. Took wetsuit off at the beach, and made the long run to transition. Chilly conditions meant a bit more time in T1 to put on more gear.
Bike - On pace for 5:30-5:35, then had 3 flats (maybe if I carry less spares I'll have less flats? Hmm) - dreams of a PB was over. Rode the last tire on less than 20 psi (i checked later) for 11 km). Serious gale force winds almost blown off my bike at least half a dozen times. Suggestion to race organizers - mark the potholes! I snapped a piece of my aerobar off in addition to getting flat #1. I was not the only one as there were quite a few bottles at the side of the road at that spot. I really don't know how my wheels or fork didn't crack or how I avoided an "endo". That was not the only hole in the road either. Bike completed in 6:26:34. Below is a picture of me riding to the aid station on flat tire #1 (rear) hoping they had a real pump.

T2 - I looked at the time, and calculated that I could still bang out a better than 12:30 finish - even with my injured hamstring which was feeling quite decent. However, such an effort would have beaten me up for a finish time that would have meant not too much. So while my goal time was out of reach, I decided to wait for my buddy Ace and be his personal pace bunny to get him a PB - whether he liked it or not.
I chatted with Allan Chud (won his age group for the Iron 113) and Cindy Lewis (8th overall woman at Ironman Louisville last week) of Absolute Endurance for a while, then changed out in the open. Yes, public nudity! The change tents were blown apart with the crazy winds. Ace came in, I waited for him to change, then we headed out. I spent 19 minutes and 6 seconds in T2. Yeah baby!
Run - 5:35:35. Basically, I served as the "no walking" police, rather than a pacer. I'd allow walking through aid stations or to let heart rates to come down but that was it. The first 15-18 km was a struggle but once over that hurdle Ace was a machine. He got stronger and this is the way to do an Ironman run.

In the end, Ace ran a PB, and beat his previous Ironman time by over 90 minutes! That made my day and I'll always remember it. Especially when we approached the finish line and he refused to cross the line ahead of me. Being the classy guy that his is he said, "Either we finish together or you finish ahead of me." We were at a standstill a few metres from the finish and I am sure the spectators were wondering what was going on. Since he would not move an inch, I grabbed his arm and we crossed the line together. I am so glad I didn't quit because I would have missed this incredible experience and a memory to have for a lifetime. Ace - you rocked it today my friend. Prem - congrats on your finish too buddy.

Final time - 13:48:00
Final thoughts - Brutal conditions today. Many will say this is an "easy" course but I say no Ironman distance race is easy. You still have to cover the distance. Sure the potential for fast times is great with a flat course but this means you are pedaling the whole time, there is no time for rest or coasting down hills. This will take its toll during the run. In my experience these flat course also tend to have a lot wind (ie: today in Ottawa, last year too but not as bad as today, and at Ironman Arizona). A race course is as hard as you want to make it. Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other - sorry I could not resist the Jerry Springer reference.
PS: Major thanks to the best in-laws a guy can have. I truly hit the jackpot in that department. D & L - thanks for making the trip, and enduring the windy and chilly weather a little longer than expected. And I really didn't need a jacket out on the run, it was cold but we so called athletes don't feel the chill until we stop moving. Thanks for the concern though. BB - as usual you rule too!
See you at Lakeside or if you need a 2:15 (10 and 1) pace bunny at the Scotia Half, make sure to search me out.
Oh, and if you think my KFC thing is a joke, check out what I had for dinner last night.

Happy training and racing.
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